"The Gardens Between" is an independent adventure game developed by The Voxel Agents, released in 2018, acclaimed for its unique puzzle design and captivating art style. The game follows two friends, Arina and Freddie, on an adventure through a mysterious time garden, where players guide them through puzzles and exploration to uncover the secrets within the garden.
Game Features
Beautiful Art Style: "The Gardens Between" boasts a unique hand-drawn art style, with each scene filled with poetry and magic, immersing players in a captivating game world.
Innovative Puzzle Design: Each level in the game features unique and challenging puzzles. Players manipulate time and space to unravel these puzzles and progress through the adventure.
Emotional Story: As the game progresses, players gradually learn about the friendship story of Arina and Freddie, uncovering the mysterious secrets behind the time garden.
Unique Gameplay Mechanics: The game introduces unique gameplay mechanics, allowing players to manipulate time flow and alter the state of objects in the scene to solve puzzles and embark on their adventure.
Relaxing Gaming Experience: "The Gardens Between" offers a relaxing and immersive gaming experience, allowing players to enjoy the pleasure of exploration and puzzle-solving in the enchanting game world.
Gameplay Tips
1. Observe and Understand Time Flow
In the game, the flow of time is crucial to solving puzzles. Players need to observe the changes in objects within the scene and understand the rules of time flow to take the right actions.
2. Utilize Object Movement
Many puzzles require players to utilize the movement of objects within the scene. By controlling the flow of time, changing the position and state of objects can open up pathways for progress.
3. Arrange Actions in Sequence
Some puzzles require players to arrange actions in the correct sequence for resolution. Before taking action, observe the entire scene, analyze the solution to the problem, and then proceed with actions in order.
4. Pay Attention to Hidden Clues
The game hides many hints and clues to help players solve puzzles. Pay attention to details within the scene or listen to character dialogues during interactions, as they may provide useful information.
5. Appreciate the Game World
In addition to puzzle-solving, players should also appreciate the beautiful art style and engaging story of the game. Relax and immerse yourself in the time garden, enjoying the delightful gaming experience it offers.
"The Gardens Between" is a unique and enchanting adventure game, blending beautiful art style, innovative puzzle design, and an emotional story. By exploring the time garden and unraveling its mysteries, players can experience a wonderful journey of adventure. Are you ready to begin your journey through time? Join Arina and Freddie’s adventure and explore this mysterious world together!